The Languages of Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is a land of many wonderful languages, but you don’t need to know them all in order to be understood! Below are some common phrases in English, Spanish and Krio to get you started!
English | Spanish | Krio |
The Simple Stuff | ||
Yes | Si | Yes |
No | No | Nor |
Please | Por favor | Ah beg |
Thank You | Gracias | Tenki |
You’re Welcome | De nada | U welcom |
No, thank you | No, gracias | Nor, tenki |
Sorry | Lo siento | Sorry/ah beg pardin |
Greetings | ||
Good Morning | Buenos dias | How di mornin |
Good Afternoon | Buenas tardes | How di aftanoon |
Good Evening | Buenas noches | How di evenin |
Good Bye | Adios | Bye bye/ah de go |
Hello/Hi | Hola | Kushe |
See You Later | Hasta luego | We go see back |
What is your name? | Como se llama? | Wetin na u nem? |
My name is… | Mi nombre es | Ah name… |
How are you? | Como esta usted? | How u do? |
Fine, thank you | Muy bien, gracias | Fine, tenki |
Language | ||
Do you speak English? | Habla ingles? | U sabi English? |
I’m English | Soy inglés | Mi na English |
I don’t understand | No comprendo | Ah nor undastand |
Where are you? | Donde estas? | Usai u de? |
Who’s playing football? | Quien es jugando football? | Udat de play football? |
Please speak slowly | Hable despacio por favor | Ah beg, talk wan wan |
Questions | ||
Where is/are… ? | Donde esta/estan… ? | usai na/dem… ? |
When? | Cuando? | Ustem? |
Who? | Quien? | Udat? |
Why? | Por que? | Wetin mek/why? |
What? | Que? | Wetin? |
How long? | Cuanto tiempo? | How long? |
How much does it cost? | Cuanto cuestra? | Umos for dis? |
How far? | A que distancia? | Ee far from ya? |
Can you help me? | Puede ayudarme? | Doya hep mi? |
what time is it? | Que hora es? | Wetin na di tem? |
Useful Statements | ||
I (don’t) like it | (No) me gusta | Ah (nor) lek am |
I’m hungry | Tengo hambre | Ah angri |
I’m thirsty | Tengo sed | Ah thisty/ah wan drink |
I’m tired | Estoy cansado | Am tire |
I’m ready | Estoy listo | Ah redi |
Right now | Ahora mismo | Now |
Just a minute | Un momento | Wan minit |
Come in | Entre | Cam inside |
It’s cheap | Es barato | Ee chip |
It’s expensive | Es caro | Ee diya |
It’s cold (weather) | Hace frio | Ee cold |
It’s hot (weather) | Hace calor | Ee ot |
A little | Un poco | Small |
A lot | Mucho | plenti/boku |
Tomorrow | Manana | tomara |
Next week | La semana proxima | Nex wik |
The Hotel | ||
Bathroom | Banos | Bathroom |
Swimming pool | Piscina | Swimming pool |
Open | Abierto | Open |
Closed | Cerrado | luk |
Bed | Cama | Bed |
Towel | Toalla | Tawel |
Soap | Jabon | Soap |
Pillow | Almohada | Pilla |
Shower | Una ducha | Shawa |
Iron | Plancha | Ayen |
Hair drier | Secador | Iya drier |
There are no towels | No hay toallas | Nor tawel nor de |
I have a problem | Tengo un problema | Ah geh problem |
The Restaurant | ||
Waiter/waitress | Camarero/camarera | Waiter/waitress |
I’d like… | Quiero… | Ah wan… |
The bill please | La cuenta, por favor | Bring me bill please |
Breakfast | Desayuno | brekfas |
Lunch | Almuerzo | lunch |
Dinner | Cena | Dinner |
Knife | Cuchillo | nef |
Fork | Tenedor | stika |
Spoon | Cuchara | spoon |
Tea | Te | Tea |
Black | Café negro | Black |
Coffee with milk | Café con leche | Coffee en milk |
Milk | Leche | milk |
Ice | Hielo | Ice |
Mineral water | Agua mineral | Miniral wata |
Wine | Vino | Wine |
Beer | Cerveza | Beer |
White wine | Vino blanco | White wine |
Lemonade | Limonada | Lemonade |
Juice | Jugo | Juice |
Egg | Huevo | Eg |
Scrambled Egg | Huevos revueltos | Scramble Egg |
Cheese | Quesso | Cheese |