The President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma, has called for a new implemented policy of an attitudinal change”As prescribed for all Sierra Leonean’s.” Since his inauguration in September the oppossition party has openly criticised such a policy  as draconian, which they say is a witch huntdesigned purposely to bring to trial  top officials of the former ruling party. The President has demonstrated his strategic policies on several occassions stating that his method of governance is aimed at bringing what the country has lost for years. President Koroma set up a task force whose remit was to review the work of each of the government ministries and departments. This commission has already concluded  its work.

The president made it clear that his government would not prosecute anyone because of pre- election rivalries or other grievances. Koromas’ appointment of former SLPP officials into his administration portrays a new method of governance system in the political spectrum of the country and it has been seen as a welcomed idea by many Sierra Leoneans.

The election tensions raised a lot of concern that the country’s future was at the verge of collapsing. It was raised as an issues in the local media that the ethnic rivalry and the divisions were already fermenting into something many Sierra Leoneans are totally against. This has to date proved not to be the case.

Some former prominent government officials have already been sacked and the oppossition  have sometimes criticised the President’s decisions. There seems to be ample evidence that the sackings have been directly linked to specific incidents of corruption by named former officials. The President has stressed his concern for a change of attitude, that no one is definately going to escape proper investigation and consequences from misdeeds if found wanting. He added that this criteria would also apply to his own family.